Sure, here are four easy pickle recipes you can try

Quick Refrigerator Pickles: Thinly slice cucumbers and place them in a jar with sliced garlic, dill, and peppercorns. In a saucepan, combine equal parts water and vinegar, and bring to a boil best oil cholesterol. Add salt and sugar to taste, and pour the mixture over the cucumbers. Seal the jar and refrigerate for at least an hour before serving.

Spicy Carrot Pickles: Peel and slice carrots into thin rounds. In a separate bowl, mix together equal parts vinegar and water, and add in sugar and salt to taste. Stir in crushed red pepper flakes and sliced garlic best indian cooking oil for health. Pour the mixture over the carrots in a jar and seal tightly. Refrigerate for at least 24 hours before serving.

Classic Dill Pickles: Cut cucumbers into spears or slices and place them in a jar. Add fresh dill and garlic cloves. In a saucepan, mix together water, vinegar, salt, and sugar. Bring to a boil and pour over the cucumber's best oil to deep fry with. Seal the jar and let sit at room temperature for 24 hours before transferring it to the refrigerator.

Bread and Butter Pickles: Slice cucumbers and onions thinly and place them in a jar. In a saucepan, combine equal parts vinegar and sugar and bring to a boil. Add salt, mustard seed, celery seed, and turmeric best cooking oil. Pour the mixture over the cucumbers and onions in the jar. Let the pickles cool to room temperature before refrigerating for at least 24 hours before serving.